Monday, November 26, 2012

Anamorphosis Critique

Word Bank: Use these vocabulary words in your responses. Please underline or make letters bold when you use them. 

Grid       colored pencils anamorphosis                 photoshop        transform         scale
Perspective      shadows             value                    

1. Describe the process you went through to change your object into the correct perspective to create the drawing. This is when you were in the lab.
The process I went through to change my object into the correst perspective to create the drawing is I had to go into photoshop and stretch the image and tansformed it so that when you looked at it directly it looked unportional. Then after printing the image out I had to make a grid in my sketch book so that the image in the sketch book was exact to the actual image.

2. How did distorting and stretching the object allow for you to create a drawing that would look different to the viewer?
By stretching and disorting the object allowed the image to be viewed differently by the viewer. This has to do with the perspective of the viewer. If the person is looking directly down at the picture the image is going to look disorted and funny to them, but at an angle the image looks almost 3D.

3. What were the most important concepts in the project to make it successful?
Transforming the original picture into a stretched disorted one, translating it to the grid, adding shadows and value, and taking a picture of it from directly above and from a different perspectie makingit look 3D.

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